My New Year's Resolution..
A new year,a new start,and a new me!
A new start in a sense that i will try to adopt to new ideas,to new ways of living.
A new me,in a sense that these new years resolution will do some change in my personality and objectives to achieve in 2009..
Here are those:A new year,a new start,and a new me!
A new start in a sense that i will try to adopt to new ideas,to new ways of living.
A new me,in a sense that these new years resolution will do some change in my personality and objectives to achieve in 2009..
- Study Well: there's a lot of subjects that i think it's really hard, i need to study so that i can pass.
- Sleep more, and eat even more: year 2009 should make me gain some weight but not loose some, because i believe I' m too thin right now and loosing more would not be really that good.
- Control spending my Allowance: in to a things that's not important.
- I will cut down on my television watching: i will try..=)
- and Learn something new: i want to learn how to play guitar,etc.("basta something new..hehe")